From Bryn

Stacy went to bed for the night and I was lying on the couch, listening to some worship music. I fell asleep on the couch. Halfway through the night, I got up then went to the washroom, and then went to bed.  About an hour or so later my phone rang at 3 in the morning, It was Lynn on the phone, she told me to get Stacy she has some news to tell me. I knew then it wasn’t going to be good, as I went to wake Stacy up. The only thing I heard was that she said your dad has died, and I remember saying what,  Lynn explained everything again but it was just a blur to me, it didn’t really phase on me but Stacy heard the whole thing Lynn was saying. 

A couple of hours later, mom called me and asked how I was doing, where mom and dad were the phone service was not very clear so it was very difficult to hear what mom was saying but she had people around her and with some family so I was at peace knowing that she wasn’t alone. After talking to mom, Kemp and I talked, it was difficult to talk with him because at that time both of us were so full of emotion. 

Dad left in April to go to my sisters to do some work, so he spent the past six months up there working on various projects up there for Lynn’s ministry. In July mom joined him.  They were on their way home from up north and visiting with Annah and her family and some friends.  I remember when dad left to go up north, although he was planning that trip, it was a bit of a rush because he had to go before covid restrictions took in effect so although we said goodbye it wasn’t the bye I wanted but I understood he wanted to go because of those restrictions. I am to this very day, glad that both dad and mom went up there and spent time with Lynn’s family this last time. I often made a point of seeing my dad and mom every weekend so I saw them often and Lynn did not see them much so I am at peace that she spent a lot of time with him in his last days here. I am also very glad also that both dad and Kemp had a chance to facetime that same day also, so to me that’s awesome and so glad and very thankful they had that time, and although I don’t know what was said I’m at peace knowing what was said what was meant to be, and I’m thankful to God that he made it possible they connected that last time. 

Dad was a man of Faith, Integrity, Honesty, Hardworking, and a man who was very Humble and Full of Humility.

Dad and I had an up and down relationship over the years, he was my father, and over the past six years he was one of my best friends,  he set the best example he could with me in his life the way he lived.  It was challenging for both of us, to say the least. But dad and I share something that nobody else does, and I feel to this very day it has helped build that relationship that we did have,  and for being at home for as long as I did before getting married, we had many ups and downs in my 35 plus years living with them. However, in the past six years, dad and I got close and we had the best six years we ever had.  All my life, one thing I wanted to do the most is to make him proud.  He has told me a few times, and ever since his passing he has shown me that he is proud of me.  I remember the day I told him I was getting married, being a father he had his concerns rightfully so, but there was a time that he and my wife Stacy went down to Toronto just the two of them and they got talking, I don’t know everything that was said on that trip but after I think it was a trip worth having for both of them for it was a time where both Stacy and Dad got to know each other pretty well, I know that my dad and Stacy had a love for each other that was genuine that any father in law and daughter in law could have, but I could tell in the times we were together dad really had that love for Stacy and compassion and trust and loved Stacy like his own daughter and I will be forever grateful towards dad for that.

Growing up some of my best memories of dad included our trip to Kenya—a highlight of my childhood—dad taking me to many blue jay games, and the interest he took in me playing ball—attending my games and often playing catch with me. As most Father and Son have many talks and we were no exception, we had a lot of them, we argued, we laughed, we cried. I know we frustrated each other many times but we had the respect for each other and love that a Father-Son could have.  I know there were times we disappointed each other but one thing always remained we were always there for each other and I could go to dad anytime and he would drop what he was doing to either spend time with me or give me advice (some I received some I didn’t) or simply help me on something that I needed help with, he always had time for me. One thing I admired so much for my dad is the love he had for mom, over 60 years they were together, through the tough times and good times, he stayed with her, he loved her, he cherished her and adored her, he set a pretty good example even in that for the rest of the men in this family on how to treat their wives, like every couple they had their ups and downs but their love was especially known in his last days, Dad thanks for being so faithful to mom.

In closing, I’m sad today because he is not with us, Dad was the Rock of our family, he put God in front of himself, he put his family in front of himself, he put others every person he came across above himself, that’s powerful that is such a testimony to his life and one I want to follow.  These tears we share today are our tears of joy, knowing without a doubt he is with his Lord and Saviour in Heaven.  I know there is no doubt that he is there, and impressed with what God has built for him there.  I often picture him the moment he got into heaven, he would have looked at what God built for him and was satisfied what God built for him and he did not try to go fix it, I pictured the reunion he had with others he either impacted or knew that is also there with him, and most of all the best picture of all, his face to face hand in hand with his Lord and Saviour  Jesus Christ, what a moment that would have been for both of them.  I have tears of joy just picturing that moment. I know Dad is still watching and looking over us even now. I look forward to the day when I will be joining him there with the rest of us, Dad I love you, I will see you again soon, the rest of the family will be also seeing you, we will be there in the end with you with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the rest of Heaven until then I will live my life the best I can and that is glorifying God in all I do because you set the perfect example on how to live this life, Let God alone be Glorified.

I love you Dad, today, always and forever, looking forward to the day we see each other again with our Lord and Saviour along with the rest of the family.