From Wayne’s Grandchildren

There is a tremendous amount of comfort in knowing that my grandpa is now a citizen of heaven! He was a faithful servant; one of the most faithful I knew. In recent months I’ve been reading and re-reading through the book of Colossians. When remembering Grandpa, I couldn’t help but think of Colossians 1:22-23. As the verse says, he was a man who continued in the faith, “firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that he had heard”.

I think we all know how hardworking Grandpa was but he was also so patient and attentive. You have no idea how many times I searched my inbox for the email grandpa wrote me on the difference between a TSFA and an RRSP. It was detailed and clear, so helpful, and of course, signed with his signature email closing “GP”. I still have an email sitting in my drafts folder for I learned so much from my Grandpa over the years and I will definitely miss our correspondences.

Some of my favourite memories with Grandpa were actually the times where we’d simply be together without talking: hiking on the Dempster Highway and observing nature or just drinking coffee and enjoying each other’s company (and sometimes a sweet treat). I am so thankful for the efforts Grandpa made to visit us growing up and also for the effort he made more recently to meet each of my children and get to know them.

My mom had a special tradition in our house growing up. Whenever we had visitors, she would always make cinnamon buns the morning they would leave as a special “sending off” breakfast. It’s a delicious tradition that I loved as a child and have tried to carry on in my own home. The photo I’ve included here was taken on the very last day I had with my grandfather on earth. We shared a cinnamon bun and coffee together that morning. We were both not really the type to be terribly energetic first thing in the morning (at least not before that first cup of coffee) but however sleepy-eyed we look in this photo, I will always treasure it and that last memory we shared together.

“But our citizenship is in heaven and from it we await a saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power that enables Him even to subject all things to Himself.” Philippians 3:20-21

Love you GP — Sarah

As a child, you describe yourself in relation to your family. Whether it’s looking like your dad or saying something your mom would say. A significant portion of how we view ourselves becomes similarities, or differences, to the family members around us. When I’ve been asked, I have often expressed that I am kind of like my dad and kind of like my grandpa. Borrowing some interests, characteristics, hobbies, phrases, and habits from both of them. I think I chose to view myself in this regard because these were the two strongest male influences in my life. A part of my identity was how I compared or contrasted to them. One characteristic I know I got from grandpa, was my desire to become an engineer. I don’t ever remember him talking about his work, or what sparked his desire to study structural engineering, which in retrospect is strange, as I credit him with giving me this desire. I think it must have been his character, his projects, his desire to design, to re-design, and continually improve that developed this interest in me.

When I left to go to university, grandpa gave me a gift. He had saved money for all his grandchildren to be given when they left for post-secondary. He did not wrap this gift, or put it in a card, simply just a cheque in an envelope. A post-it note stuck on the envelope read, “Taylor, this is one of the best ‘investments’ of my life. Have a great year. GM/GP”.

While his investment in my university did eventually turn out to be a good one, his real investment was the decades he spent being the example of a man I strive to emulate.

— Taylor

Grandpa’s last day

I was honored and privileged to have been with Grandpa and spend time with him on his last couple of days on earth and to be with him when he passed away.  This is an account of that time. 

We met my Grandparents on September 16th, 2021 at the Liard Hot Springs in northern BC. They were headed home and it just so happened to work out timing wise to be able to meet up with each other there. They traveled from Whitehorse with our friends the Johnsons (which is approximately an 8 hour drive). My husband and I, along with his parents, traveled from Burns Lake (which is approximately a 14 hour drive).

When we met together Grandpa was his usual calm self. He is not really a hugger so when I saw Grandpa, we simply exchanged warm hellos. Our group spent the entire next day together enjoying the hot springs, eating campfire food, singing in worship, and spending time with each other visiting.

Read more from Annah

One of my many favourite memories with Grandpa was when he let me get out of the van to take a picture of a bear on the Dempster highway. I made him pull over many times to take pictures, including this mountain with a heart on it. He said, “Oh! I knew you’d notice that and want to stop to take a picture”.

— Abby

I think heaven feels like a distant place until someone you love is there. Grandpa is the first person close to me that lives there now. I am more thankful for heaven than before. I am glad that this world is not the end and that God has sent His Son to save us from the punishment we deserve, offering heaven instead.

I doubt that I would even know about this eternity-changing gift if it wasn’t for my Mom and Dad telling me. And I don’t think my Mom would know about it unless her parents told her. This legacy of faith that Grandpa was a pillar of, is an immense privilege that I will be forever grateful for.

When I think of Grandpa I think of faithfulness and wisdom. Oh how I wish to be as faithful and wise as him with my time, my money, and my relationships. I struggle to track my finances with a basic budget and I have had “Read More Books” on my to do list for probably 5 years. When I think of Grandpa, I am put to shame. I want to be like him when I grow up.

I wish that I would have called more. I wish I wouldn’t have let so much time slip by and blame it on the inconvenient time difference. I wish I had more memories together that I could share photos of. “I wish…” doesn’t change that he is gone but I can still cherish the family that I have and walk in Grandpa’s example.

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10) Grandpa didn’t waste his time, but did the good works that God had for him. I don’t want to waste my life either.

What an amazing man my Grandpa was. What an incredible legacy of love and service he left. What a hardworking life he lived. What a faithful servant.

— Ruth

Grandpa taught me everything I know about woodworking. Which really doesn't amount to much. From hammering nails when I was 5, to building a desk (which we never finished) he was always showing me how to do things properly and the best way possible. Someday I will finish that desk, and when I look back I'll remember the amazing memories I have of building it with him.

— Sam-Jin

My grandpa died.  It broke my grandma’s heart and our whole families’ hearts. Grandma was in shock.  I’ll tell the story:

Aunt Mayvis and her sister, which is my grandma, were getting ready to go and they went to find my dear grandpa. They checked everywhere! They found him laying dead but on his face was peace.  It made me cry.  It broke my heart and Grace’s heart too.  But dear grandpa is in heaven.  Grandpa, I am going to pray for you right now.  “Dear grandpa, I hope you are happy in heaven.  You knew, I really love you.  I think grandma thinks you are strong and handsome.” Love, Hope.

This is a song for my favourite grandpa that I made up:

“Grandpa, I am coming soon to heaven to you but I have to teach the whole world about Jesus.  I will dream about you grandpa.  I am coming soon.”

(no wording was changed from her hand written journal)

— Hope

I know that my dear grandpa is now in heaven.  I will come soon my dearest grandpa; and grandma will come too.   I love my grandma and grandpa and we will soon be together again. 

A prayer for grandpa:

Dear grandpa, I will come soon.  I will miss you very much. I am thankful that you helped daddy renovate our house.  I know that you are in heaven.  I love you my dearest grandpa.  Love, Grace

— Grace