From Wayne’s sisters, Irene, Marlene, and Wendy

Wayne was an amazing brother. We were shocked and saddened at his sudden passing, and we grieve for Muriel and the family, but we rejoice at God's gracious love and the promise that Wayne is now with his Lord and Saviour.

I had talked with Wayne while he was at Lynn's, and he told me he was getting tired. My prayer for him became “Father, give him the strength he needs to finish this project”. Then when they were in Whitehorse I spoke to both Wayne and Muriel on their anniversary, and my prayer changed to “Father, give them a safe trip home”.  It took me a few days to recognize that God had answered both prayers—not the way I expected but He had surely given Wayne a safe trip to his heavenly home.

Wayne lived a life of service—always willing to help others. In reading the biography posted on this memorial website, I learned a lot more about my brother. 

Our Dad volunteered for military service in WWII and was posted overseas from Fall 1942 to Fall 1945, leaving Mom with two young children. I was 8 and Wayne was almost 5 years old when Dad came home. Marlene joined the family in 1946 and Wendy in 1955. Our home was a happy place and we had lots of contacts with cousins who lived in the area. As we finished school and moved away from home, it became harder to keep in touch and hence my comment about learning more about his life. Wayne and Muriel moved to Ontario after their wedding and our visits together became more of an annual event. Wayne was not one to boast of his accomplishments, etc, and so I never realized the scope of his ministry as he worked with Mr. Pannabecker.

After Wayne retired from Hydro, he was able to make more trips home and we enjoyed renewing family closeness. When Dad passed in 1998, Wayne was the one who stepped up and helped with all the arrangements. His detailed notes to Mom helped us all when we faced the task again in 2007 when Mom passed.

One of my greatest memories is the summers of 2009 and 2010. Wayne encouraged Duaine and I to become part of the church building crew in Fort McPherson and made arrangements to meet us in Dawson City. He made that long drive down the Dempster Highway to get us to Fort McPherson. It was a great 10-day project, but of course, there were many details left unfinished when the crew left.  Wayne stayed on and kept working but even so, it wasn't done when he had to leave. In true “Wayne fashion” we got an email in the Spring of 2010 commenting that he knew we were interested in the church and telling us that he was going back in the summer. He included a l-o-n-g list of things to be done. We took him up on his challenge and in late July, Wayne and Bryn picked us up at our home and we drove up to Fort McPherson. It was a wonderful month of working together and getting to deepen our relationship. When we had to leave, he once again drove us to Whitehorse for our flight. Muriel arrived on that same flight, and they went back to work for another month or so. His great servant heart made it a wonderful experience for us and gave us a new appreciation for the work that Lynn and Paul are doing in the North. His attention to detail and to other people was a great blessing.

We are grateful to the Lord for Wayne’s life and influence and are proud to call him our brother.  As Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 4:7&8 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me but also to all who have longed for His appearing”.

So Wayne has now finished his race.  May his life encourage each of us to follow his example.