From Stacy

Wayne Attwood is my father in law, (in the words of my sister-in-law Patricia Attwood,) I can also never see Wayne gone as his enormous presence will always fill my life. I only knew Wayne for the past five years, but right from the start, it has felt like a lifetime.

I came into the family a little broken and downtrodden after meeting Wayne's son, my husband Bryn on a strawberry-picking excursion, at a nearby local Farm. Bryn arranged for me to meet his dad at our local Tim Horton's. To his surprise, his mom came, too.

I can honestly say that I liked Wayne the minute I met him. I was asked many questions by Dad and Mom that day. I loved Wayne's approach: direct and right to the point. He had a kindness to him but I knew this was not a man anyone fooled easily. He had authority, but he used it wisely and the gentle calm manner in which he spoke held the listener.

Since that day I have listened. I had a mountain of questions as I was regaining my Faith in Christ again and Wayne was incidental in providing answers that will stay with me for the rest of my days.

Often when we visited mom and dad on weekends, mom and Bryn would wander off to play air hockey, and I would have what I would call my Wayne Time.

Dad would engage me in great conversations. I always said one will never learn anything if you don't ask. Wayne allowed himself to be an open book to me, and the knowledge poured out. Wayne was an endless supply of answers to my bottomless bucket of questions. He never once refused to answer. If he didn't have an answer he thought was going to help me, he would tell me he would find it and get back to me.

Wayne quickly became a trusted advisor. Packed to the brim with wisdom and love for Christ and for all people. I had been lacking in guidance for so long it felt amazing to have this wonderful father figure back in my life.

Trust has always been an issue for me. I do not trust easily. Years of hurt took that from me. Wayne helped me to build that trust in people again.

It is said that you will never know the impact a single person can have on all the lives they meet or interact with. It is quickly becoming known how much grace Wayne spread about, in his one lifetime here. I will miss the man who helped me to know Our Savior again.

The word of God has become loud in my ears because Wayne took the time to explain them to me. The scriptures that made no sense have now become clear. This was how God's faithful servant Wayne Attwood has blessed me, as a teacher of God's Word and as a father-in-law.

"A spiritual father imparts the heart and power of Father God into every person He or She encounters." (Author Unknown) This is the attestation of the life Wayne Attwood lived.

Rest peacefully Dad, till we meet again on that beautiful shore. I still have more questions.